
Sales – especially new sales – are the cornerstone of every successful business. Outbound call centres are important in generating revenue and it is therefore vital that your call centre staff have the required skill to bring new clients on board and upsell existing clients. Call centres are also significant in creating and maintaining successful, positive customer relationships. High quality telesales agents will result in high customer retention as well as encourage the purchasing of additional products and services.

Staff training on all aspects of Telemarketing and Telesales

When recruiting call centre agents, there are several key competencies and skills that you would be looking out for and would want to develop in your call centre staff. We offer these essential skills training so you get the best out of your sales staff.

Management Training

A sales manager who understands his team and is able to understand each sales person’s strengths and weaknesses and knows how to get the best out of them, is worth his weight in gold. It is for this reason that we offer training on essential leadership skill in call centre management positions.

Trainer Training

Our training covers several popular and effective methodologies in use today by top-performing call centres for agent training.

Call centre analysis

Since call centre technology includes a wide range of telecommunications hardware and software, our training involves the types of operational systems that should be in place to run an efficient call centre.


For the outbound sales agent, having an outline of what they want to get across to the prospective client is a vital aspect of the call. The body of the script should guide the client through the selling process, giving needed information about the product or services being sold.


Our training will help your sales agents to close out their calls effectively by leading the prospective client towards the sale throughout the duration of the call.

Objection handling

Objections on a call often indicate interest and we train sales staff on how to listen to and overcome objections by spotting the buying signals. If a prospective client comes up with a reason not to buy, your sales agents need to be able to directly address any concerns and continue with their sales presentation.

Goal setting and achieving

Effective telemarketing begins with setting goals – just making calls and hoping for a sale isn’t likely to get your sales staff far. We offer training for sales staff and managers on setting and achieving goals.  Your sales manager should be setting targets for your telemarketers and pushing the team to higher sales by sharing goals.

Call centre setup, management and budgets

We look at important factors in building a high quality call centre. A manager of a call centre must be well-informed about all the laws, parameters, and regulations of your industry affecting your call centre. This lesson will discuss the importance of many of these issues.